Thursday, April 21, 2011


For all of you that waited for this release, IT IS FINALLY HERE!!!! As of today, "The DejinGO" is available on Here's the link >
Use it to get lifted!!!!!
Gratitude family.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brand new Spring '11 sets from Neter Supreme!

Hetepu family!
For all the family that have been anxiously awaiting Neter's return to the air waves, well we have some goodies to hold you down for awhile. Neter Supreme has just done 3 brand new sets just for you.
1st up is a 2 1/2 hr. HOT ASS set! - on Neter Supreme's podomatic spot. Do remember that you can use podomatic on your iPod, so feel free to get that energy on your gadget!

2nd up... for all of you that want to take the Eternal energy of The Underverse Sanctuary with you on your mobile media, Neter Supreme is now available for your iPhone, iPad mobile, Andriod, or just about any "smart phone" on this planet through the app. You can go to & download the app. for your mobile media, or you can check the sets out on the web. I suggest that you download the app. so you can have the set with you on the go, but do as you wish. There are 2 parts. to another 2 1/2 Hour Brand new set waiting for you there.
In celebration of Original Drum Hsi being released on 4.21.11, Neter has yet ANOTHER set that's a little over 2 hrs. available now on Click on the link & get lifted.

Please keep in mind that the weekly Underverse Sanctuary show will be back on the air in a few weeks, so hold tight & we will all ride that Mutship together again soon. Always check the blog for updates on what's going on with Neter Supreme, Original Drum Hsi & The Underverse Sanctuary.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

APR. 21st, 2011!!!!

Welcome aboard the new blog!

Hetepu Family!
In light of the label launch (officially Apr. 2011) - I've started this new blog. The Original Drum Hsi site will be up by this summer, so stay tuned. Until then, you can keep up with what's going on with Original Drum Hsi (the label), & Neter Supreme here on the new O.D. blog. You can also catch the weekly netshow (The Underverse Sanctuary) here as well now. Just check the ustream player on the right panel every Sat. shadow - Sun light. If you didn't know, the weekly netshow is off the air until the end of Apr., beginning of May. - so hold on for a few more weeks. As it has always been the way with Neter Supreme, all energy that comes, MUST be at peace & willing to awaken to consciousness while still here on this single planet: that basically is to say... any "low energy" will not register, or be tolerated here. At this area in what you call "time", the planet that you are on is moving into the final stages of supreme balance, as it has no choice to - for the small universe that it is inside of is doing the very same. This is a time of great & unimaginable change. There will be much saddness & pain as the old realm passes away, but I would tell you to hold on, "WE GON' MAKE IT"!!!! The frequencies coming from the label & all other efforts from Neter will speak to that reality. You are a piece / particle of Eternity... the before, the now, & the after, so however you see yourself today, be it Christian, Muslim, Jew, Atheist, Spiritualist, Straight, Gay, Dark, Light, Skinny, Fat, or whatever, know that I see you in all of the before, the now & the after as the Eternal energy that you are. I look forward to us returning to the harmonious order of all that exists: remembered, & yet remembered. I appreciate all of you that support Neter, Original Drum, & The Underverse Sanctuary... KNOW THIS!!!! WE ARE ONE, & we're in an area that all shall remember that fact. ALLLLLLL that being said, WELCOME aboard as we move into harmony!