The Papyri Of Neter
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Check out "Realm Of The AlMek" Feature on
DuaU (much gratitude) to Sen (Brother) "Blade Deep" for holding this effort up in his areas!!!! I honor you beloved, & I am humbled by your kindness & sharing freely of positive energy!
Neter Officially Closing Dec. 31st
So we just got the word that as of Dec. 31st our beloved will be shutting down.
I always advise you about the POLITRIX & "behind the curtains disruptive energy" that follows this music, & more importantly THIS VIBRATION! You will be able to get our back releases from until Dec. 31st.
This is regretful, but then wherever there is positive vibration & unity in doing business, there will be that which seeks to destroy it. We wear no wounds though, & will be totally available to you in the beginning of 2013. We will post our back-up as soon as it is secured. Keep checking the blog for updates.
DuaU (much gratitude) family! - Neter
Monday, December 17, 2012
Underverse family bringing in A Brand New Season!
SAT. - SUN. DEC. 22 - 23
SAT. - SUN. DEC. 29 - 30
Beginning @ 4pm (EST) each event.
Thursday, December 13, 2012

We are honored to offer you the 1st album of thee unstoppable Veja Vee Khali! Veja brings you “Rise Of The Afrikan Frequency”... his first album; full of absolute creativity & skill. Hailing out of Soweto, S. Afrika, Producer/DJ/Artist, Veja Vee Khali is the REAL THING when it comes to individual creativity & creative thought. “Rise Of The Afrikan Frequency” has 8 compositions featuring the many shades of Veja's musical talents & programming skill. Varying from Deep & Soulful, to Ancestral, “Rise Of The Afrikan Frequency” is packed with pure elevated vibrations.
This album is for all music lovers, as well as all souls who use music as a key tool in raising their spiritual vibration. A mandatory addition to all serious music libraries. This album has many positive vibrations, & Veja has left no areas uncovered! From the deep vybes of “Rise Again”, “The Nation”, “Love & Care”... the Ancestral, soulful healing energy in “Life Is A Special Thing” & “Elements Of Healing”, to the powerful flows of “Still Drum”, “Spiritual Elevation” & “Bring Da' beat Back”, this album is absolute power! We hope you will receive this offering & the balance that it comes with. ENJOY! DuaU (much gratitude).
Monday, December 10, 2012
Neter Supreme 9 hr. set from Dec. 8th - 9th. ENJOY!
Neter Supreme Dec. 8th Pt. 1
Neter Supreme Dec. 8th Pt. 2
Neter Supreme Dec. 8th Pt. 3
Friday, December 7, 2012
Sat. Dec. 8th - NETER SUPREME!
JOIN Neter as he takes you into the realms of positive vibration through music!
You can listen here on the blog via the player at the upper right corner, or you can listen & chat via the upstream link.
Neter Supreme Reproductions NOW AVAILABLE
The Unreleased Neter Supreme Remixes! Now available on >
There are also the Original Mixes available that Neter did here >
Happy Holidays family!
So it is that time of year again!
This is the year where due so much speculation based on a "misunderstood" Mayan Prophecy... it has been said that doom for the planet is eminent. As an awaken soul on the planet, I'd like to share with you some basic information in regard to 2012, "The Mayan Prophecy", & the basic condition of this planet & its inhabitants at present.
First & foremost, if one was to actually seek primary resources to Knowledge they have yet to gain, there'd be a great chance for them to actually have UNDERSTANDING of a great many things. The Mayans, as in many of Civilizations before them, recorded history in cycles based on Cosmic time. They were a people who existed with Knowledge & Understanding of what most today call "The Heavens". By tracking the precessions of the Equinoxes & the precessions of the planets & stars; history & major events... stellar & planetary were accurately marked & recorded. The Mayans were Masters of Astronomy & Mathematics, but so were more Ancient Civilizations that preceded them. The main concern in regard to Dec. 21, 2012 being a day of global destruction, has come by way of people who have - it would seem - no understanding of The Mayan Calendar. It is true that Dec. 21, 2012 is an end to a cycle of The Mayan calendar, but there are many such "Cyclic End Marks" in the Mayan Calendar.
In understanding, one finds that in the Cosmic scope; that wheresoever there is an ending, there is also a BEGINNING! In Nature, NOTHING EVER ENDS! With that said, I will say that there is MUCH that needs to end concerning the human condition & what they have done, & are now doing to the planet they are on. There has never been a time recorded in history where there was a global amount of life on massive decline. Humans are presently in massive poverty... physically - but more importantly, spiritually.
War, poverty, sickness, disease, disorder, anger, hostility, distrust & hatred are but a few of the defining factors of the human condition of this day. Humans not only kill themselves, but in the process they are destroying their planet. Never before has there been a time where human children were destroyed in such great amounts. If humans actually believe that their children are their future, then they are surely destroying their future! As if the planet on which they exist were not a LIVING ORGANISM, humans show nothing but arrogance, disrespect & disregard to her. They pollute her incessantly, trashing the great oceans & soils she provides them. Their food, water & air are full of toxins that do not promote health & balance in their bodies. Due to a seemingly total detestation towards LEARNING, disrespect & disregard for life has become the norm for humans of this day. All of this goes against the BALANCE of the Cosmos, or rather the BALANCE OF NATURE! Everything is in a harmonious state except the human!
On Dec. 21, 2012, aligned along the Galactic Equator... will be the Earth, Its "Core Star, or "The Sun", & The Center of the Galaxy they are in; called "The Milky-Way". This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years, & was what The Ancient Maya were pointing to with the 2012 end-date of their "Long Count" calendar.
Just as all other stellar events have a direct effect on Planet Earth & its inhabitants, surely this will too. Be it an event of GALACTIC BALANCE, a lot of "new agers" are claiming that this event will start a new era of higher consciousness & an awakening of the souls. At this point the vibration of the human is so low that something HAS TO GIVE.
There is a such thing as a "Continuance Of Life" in regard to "after human death", but even in that reality there must be an awareness of ones position. That "awareness" must start NOW, while souls are still in the shell, or "human condition". Awareness will not begin while humans do not focus on considering their place in Eternity, & move about their lives as though they are exclusive in the Universe. Knowledge is KEY! - & more importantly, KNOWLEDGE OF SELF is mandatory if change & freedom will occur for a soul in bondage.
As it holds true for every Dec. Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere of Planet Earth, the cycle of the "SUN" dies & is reborn: it is the opposite for inhabitants of the Southern Hemisphere, as Dec. 21st is the Summer Solstice there, & the days get shorter from that point. Whatever the case is, this all has to do with the relationship between the Sun & the Earth, & this is a time where humans can take advantage of a certain energy that they are directly related to, to bring about great change for themselves.
I hope you all will take advantage of this Dec. Solstice to begin the healing process, & to break free your souls from the suspended state of the human condition.
Happy Holidays to you & yours.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (REMIXES) NOW AVAILABLE
To Purchase this release, click on the following link:
Taken from the O.D.H. Release; “Seq Tet Em Tuat EP”, “Realm Of The AlMek” is NOW REMIXED for the continuation of positive frequency. In this release, Neter offers 6 mixes of depth & balanced energy. In keeping with the Homage paid to The Nations Of The West on the original version, released on the “Seq Tet Em Tuat EP”; there is still the many chants & environmental elements in these mixes.
These mixes are the “orchestrated” versions of the composition. Neter has composed string, piano & bass arrangements, along with flutes & other added sounds on the remixes, to accentuate the kineticism of the song. These mixes are full of key vibration to unlock your spirit energy & allow you to dance your way into an elevated state of existence! As always, everything we offer from O.D.H., is extended in hopes that you will receive balance & positivity from it. Be ye
NOT afraid to GET LIFTED WITH THIS! DuaU (much gratitude)
Realm Of The AlMek (REMIXES)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Wisdom Mix)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Wisdom Drumz)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Her Web Mix)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Eternal Balance Mix)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Galaktik Network Mix)
Neter Supreme - Realm Of The AlMek (Galaktik Network Drumz)
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